Refund policy

Claim refunds if orders haven't been shipped, are missing, or arrive with product issues (e.g., defective, incorrect, damaged, etc.).

30 or 60-day refunds*

You are entitled to refunds within 30 or 60 days from the delivery date.

Quick refunds

If you cancel within 2 hours of payment and the order has not yet shipped, you can claim a full and immediate refund.

Resolution support

If there's a problem with your refund, we will help mediate to get your money back.
*Enterprise and Enterprise Pro buyers can claim within 60 days.

How to apply for a refund

  1. 01
    Apply for refund if order doesn't meet the agreed terms
  2. 02
    Negotiate with supplier
  3. 03
    Get your money back

Easy Return

Return defective products locally for free and claim full refunds*.

Easy & free returns

Enjoy hassle-free returns at no cost within 30 days from the delivery date.

Save time spent on delivery

Reduce waiting times with quick delivery to your local warehouse.

Get your money back

Receive a full refund once the return has been processed.
*Available for orders under US $3,000 and to buyers in Australia, Belgium, Canada, Chile, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Israel, Italy, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Netherlands, Pakistan, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Switzerland, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom, the United States and more to come. Read our terms and conditions for full eligibility requirements.

How to apply for Easy Return

  1. 01
    Find products that support Easy Return
  2. 02
    Apply for refund if product doesn't meet the agreed quality
  3. 03
    Return to local warehouses for free
  4. 04
    Get your money back